Lower Plenty Cricket Club
powered by TidyHQNotice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the Club will be held at the Lower Plenty Cricket Clubrooms, Lower Plenty Oval on Monday, May 13th, 2024, at 7:00pm
@ Stockmans Winery Shed, 49 Hillmartin Lane, Diamond Creek for the following purposes and items listed in the agenda below.
Please let the Club know if you will attend to ensure we have numbers for space requirements. Apologies or attendance can be sent to operations@lowerplentycricketclub.com.au or carl.breitenbach@gmail.com
Minute Taker
Tynan Dogger
Assistant Secretary | TD |
Carl Breitenbach
Secretary | CB |
Carl Breitenbach
Secretary | CB |
Len Dogger
President | LD |
Tynan Dogger
Assistant Secretary | TD |
1 | Introduction | For Noting | |
2 | Apologies | For Noting | |
3 | Minutes from the Previous Annual General Meeting | For Action | |
4 | To Receive the Report from the President for the year ending 30 April 2024 | For Noting | |
5 | To Adopt the Financial Reports for the year ended 30 April 2024 | For Action | |
6 | To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolutions which will be proposed as a special resolution: Logo and Branding | For Action | |
7 | To elect the 2024/25 Committee Members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, General Committee Members | For Action | |
8 | General Business | For Noting | |
9 | Close meeting | For Action |